Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trust no one

We should kick out immigrants.

They leech off the American system of well-being. True, some may be quite productive to society, but how can we tell the good ones from the bad ones?! We simply cannot. Undocumented workers are a legal mess and cause significant undercounts in employee numbers and business income accounting. And the documented ones provide foreign competition to our domestic companies (which should be our top priority, of course). It would be easier just to kick out anything that did not resemble Americanism.

Any attempt to "mainstream" outsiders, such as bilingual education or affirmative action, should absolutely be met with ridicule, scorn, and immediate rejection. America should have one language. Americans aren't going to go to other countries anyway, so why embrace linguistic diversity at all? And affirmative action is silly. If minorities can't get accepted at schools or jobs on their own merit, then doesn't this just prove their inferiority? YES. The answer is unequivocally yes. Furthermore, we all know real and true Americans don't use drugs, so we should without a doubt push for all the costs of maintaining a war on drugs. It will be worth it when we can one day look at each and every American citizen and see a completely sober face. Likewise, we should outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, and any type of medical drugs. We Americans are hardy enough to not need to be sedated during open-heart surgery or whatever.

We should also keep in mind subversive insiders such as the immoral gays and lesbians, lazy welfare recipients, violent gang members, hippie feminists, and self-labeled "progressive" thinkers (who really just want to change the current American ideals). You're bisexual? Jail. You're a bum on welfare? Cut off. You're in a gang? Kicked out with those illegal (or legal ... who cares, right?) aliens. Feminist? Force you into a male-breadwinner marriage. A thinker? Who are you kidding? We should never tolerate such insider factions in America because change and diversity only leads to corruption and devolution.

America is an economic and military power-house and the most populous developed nation in the world. If we allow such alien outsiders and domestic immoralities to continue existing in and changing the very fabric of what it means to be American, we could lose this stance. Never mind the fact that the world and the political/economic global landscape is constantly changing. We should be the single beacon of stability and continuity of the world, if need be. If a man is swept away by the current of a river, he should cling tight to a tree limb to avoid drowning. He should continue to cling tight to his morals branch even if his surroundings change. Even if rescue comes. Even if the river dries up and there is no longer an imminent threat (maybe another one will appear!). Even if the man sees a wave of cyanide-filled needles approaching quickly from upstream. If he lets go, who knows where he will go? Perhaps the situation downstream is a hundred times worse!

So let's keep America just the way it is. Well, the way it was before all these other cultures (outside and within) tried to change the sameness and monotony that should make America what it is. Out with the foreigners and repress the insiders!

Unrelated music video! This is Emilie Simon's "Fleur de Saison." I don't actually know much about her, but the video is pretty cool. And I'm not sure if my friend who referred me to her mentioned it or not, but she's gorgeous/hot. (Yes, I understand the irony of including a French song with this post.)

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